We even had “total recall” and “Mr and Mrs. Smith” (on the s4 list): where his wife was actually an enemy- spy undercover. The james bond series is also inspo for s4: that involves a lot of gfs secretly being enemy spies. #TUMBLR SKINNY NERDY GAY MEN NAKED SERIES#
The s4 video store has “man with the one red shoe ” poster: in the film, his gf is actually a spy, and he’s her target. Plus, “Truman show” was on the s4 list too: actress pretends to be wife to Truman, while Truman is unaware it’s an act.
Not to mention in a show that has shown spying utilized by the usa gov/mindflayer. We’ve never seen a true “undercover-spy” in the show. Mike: “ girlfriends don’t lie, they spy”. They’re at suzie’s place, and most likely Mike and Co are looking at Suzie. So… why does Mike need to “protect” his friends from suzie and her family. Not to mention, Suzie’s actress played Matilda, on Broadway (Matilda had powers).